Postdoc // MARUM/Bremen University
Dr. Alexander Diehl
What is my general research focus?
Whether in high-temperature geological processes or in the cold weathering of rocks, the reaction of solid matter with aqueous solutions shapes the chemical composition of all water reservoirs on Earth. As a geochemist, I have been intensively studying the solution composition of hot springs on the ocean floor in recent years. Due to the high temperature in the subsurface, hot solutions and rocks are predominantly in thermodynamic equilibrium and thus mineral reactions and solution compositions can be predicted well using thermodynamic methods. If the temperature is low, chemical reactions often no longer take place at all or very slowly, although the thermodynamic driving force for a reaction is given. This is where the concept of reaction kinetics and kinetic barriers comes into play, which can prevent chemical systems from reaching their optimal energy state. This plays an important role in processes of weathering, and whether, and how quickly, minerals form or dissolve must be determined empirically in cold systems independently of thermodynamic predictions.
What is my specific contribution in RETAKE?
In RETAKE, I am investigating the dissolution kinetics of rocks and minerals on a microscopic scale. Basalt glasses and olivines from dunites are considered undersaturated in seawater and dissolve when they come into contact with it. The question is how fast this dissolution takes place. This is one of the central questions to estimate the effectiveness of alkalinity enhancement by basalt or olivine weathering. The process of dissolution is very dynamic and the rate of dissolution of minerals and rocks is neither constant in space nor time. The microscopically determined dissolution rates will generate a basic understanding of the dissolution process and will lay a foundation for modelling the effectiveness of alkalinity enhancement by mineral components.
What is my personal motivation for doing research within this topic?
It is almost utopian to assume that we will sufficiently reduce global CO2 emissions in the coming decades. It is therefore obvious that, in addition to efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, we should also explore the framework for various tactics to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere. With weathering, the rock cycle has been buffering atmospheric CO2 concentrations for billions of years on our planet and has a significant influence on the climate. Thus, it is obvious to use it to contribute to the reduction of atmospheric CO2.